In 2022, APIX and the Internet Society (hereafter ISOC) were working together with APNIC and APNIC Foundation after signing the regional commitment to developing Internet Exchange Points to enhance Internet affordability, quality, and reliability in Asia-Pacific. The ISOC has been helping address connectivity gaps for many years, including building and supporting IXPs to improve traffic flow and help people get cheaper, faster, and better service for years. Working in collaboration, we have made a lot of progress, such as supporting local communities to build four new IXPs, including one in Maldives.
The ISOC has the 50⁄50 Vision for Internet Traffic – an ambitious but achievable strategy to rally multi-stakeholder efforts and international and national resources to ensure that at least 50% of all locally generated traffic in selected economies remains local by 2025. Reaching this ambitious target will strengthen Internet quality and reduce individual access costs. Starting in 2010, they worked in collaboration with the African Peering and Interconnection Community on a vision to have 80% of African Internet traffic locally accessible by 2020. A 2012 study established a baseline at IXP hubs in Kenya and Nigeria, and a follow-up study in 2020 showed that local traffic levels jumped from 30% to 70%.
The effort helped increase understanding of the impact of peering on the local infrastructure. While not 80%, it did lead to significant cost savings for participating networks and put these two countries in a stronger position to participate in the digital economy.
APIX also supports the vision. In 2023, ISOC is expanding its work beyond Africa, selecting 12 economies worldwide where IXPs can play a fundamental role in ensuring that the under and un-connected have faster, cheaper, and more resilient Internet access. Among the 12, IXPs in APAC will be included, and APIX will also work together to help the IXPs in APAC up and running.
We hope you will join us as we fully develop the vision and build an action plan to support it. We will seek regional input on improving policy and regulatory processes, fostering relationships with IXPs and technical communities, attracting investment into local Internet ecosystems, and more. We’ll reach out periodically with our progress, but in the meantime, please get in touch with us at ixp[at] or sc[at] if you’d like to get more involved.
New Partnership with ISOC!
See them here.
The presentation slides for APIX Meeting #23 are now available!
See them here.
PeeringDB wants input from network operators, exchange operators, facility providers, content distributors and anyone who uses our interconnection database. We are running an anonymous satisfaction survey
] until 23:59 UTC on 20 November 2020 and would like your feedback to help us make PeeringDB more useful to everyone involved in connecting networks.
We haven’t had the diversity of input we’d like in previous surveys, so we are making an extra effort to reach parts of the community who weren’t aware of our previous surveys. That’s why we are teaming up with APIX to get the message out.
“Input from all PeeringDB users on what is important and what needs improving is essential.
Telling us what you value and what you need us to improve will help us make PeeringDB better
for you and make peering easier for all.”
Steve McManus, PeeringDB Product Committee Chair
The survey will help us understand what is important to you and how satisfied you are with what we are doing. We will use your responses to focus our product roadmap on the improvements that will make things better for you. If you have specific comments or suggestions we’d love you to leave them along with your ratings.
This is the first survey we are making available in multiple languages. In this survey we are using the six UN languages for the questions. That said, we’re happy with people providing free text comments in another whichever language they are happiest expressing themselves.
We’ll share the results and the new product roadmap early in 2021.
If you have a specific idea to improve PeeringDB you can share it on our low traffic mailing lists or create an issue directly on GitHub. If you find a data quality issue, please let us know at [email protected].
PeeringDB is a freely available, user-maintained, database of networks, and the go-to location for interconnection data. The database facilitates the global interconnection of networks at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), data centers, and other interconnection facilities, and is the first stop in making interconnection decisions.
About the Author
Leo Vegoda is developing PeeringDB’s product roadmap. He was previously responsible for organizational planning and improvement in ICANN’s Office of the COO, and Internet Number Resources in the IANA department, as well as running Registration Services at the RIPE NCC.

Welcome to the new APIX Website!
The next APIX meeting will be held online, considering COVID-19 situation.
We will have General Meeting there, so all the APIX members are requested to join, to discuss important proposals.
Date: Mon 7 Sep 2020
Time: 3:00am to 7:00am (UTC) [11:00am to 15:00pm (HKG/SGT)]
Place: Virtual (The URL will be provided to registered attendees)
Registration: Early Aug 2020
TH-IX (Thailand IX) in Bangkok, Thailand, and JKT-IX in Jakarta, have become new members!